Presentamos hoxe unha autora probablemente descoñecida para a maioría dos nosos lectores. Marie Ponsot é unha escritora estadounidense de case noventa anos. Ademáis da poesía, dedicouse ao xornalismo e á tradución. Pouca xustificación require a súa presencia nesta sección poética, quizá basten os dous últimos versos do poema que vos propoñemos que leades:
Against Fierce Secrets
Against Fierce Secrets
Only to themselves are the passionate
hot. To the objects of their passion they
are cold. What Yeats knew. They eradicate
what they notice, as the thumb hard-crams the clay
impressionable under it, to lie flat,
apt to the shape their cold-steel scribes may
cut or spurn it to. Yet they know passion
must drown to ripen sweet & give fair play
to the whole life hot passion speeds us from.
As passion's object, dig with your ampersand:
be cold & hot. The receptive earth will come
to transform the root-end that your planting hand
cut & abandoned, to new chrysanthemum.
Heartfelt thought, drop your guard, keep clear, be slow;
double your careful opposites & grow.
hot. To the objects of their passion they
are cold. What Yeats knew. They eradicate
what they notice, as the thumb hard-crams the clay
impressionable under it, to lie flat,
apt to the shape their cold-steel scribes may
cut or spurn it to. Yet they know passion
must drown to ripen sweet & give fair play
to the whole life hot passion speeds us from.
As passion's object, dig with your ampersand:
be cold & hot. The receptive earth will come
to transform the root-end that your planting hand
cut & abandoned, to new chrysanthemum.
Heartfelt thought, drop your guard, keep clear, be slow;
double your careful opposites & grow.
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